Kali on My Mind

Zachary Wilson
2 min readJun 27, 2021


It really is true that everyone comes to you with IT problems once you’re labeled the tech person in the family or friend group. Everything from Wi-fi to email accounts become daily puzzles once people figure out they can call you and get the answer. Today I helped a friend set up a touch screen as a second monitor on a laptop. Before that my Dad called and needed help accessing some files he thought he had accidently deleted. Luckily neither project was difficult and both were happy by the time we were done.

These things are nice little confidence boosters and learning experiences. I didn’t know much about touch screens when I woke up this morning. I had never used one besides my phone. I do have a dual monitor setup on my home lab though and love it, so I figured it wouldn’t be too much different. It took a little longer than expected but we got it working. To check up on my Dad’s files I used windows assist for the first time. His mind was blown when I started moving his mouse around and checking things out on his desktop from 100 miles away. That was fun.

As for when I don’t have the answers or the expertise, Google and YouTube usually have the answers. In those cases I get to learn something new and help out a friend. Win win. And those times remind me how much more there is to learn in this field, how much more there will always be to learn. For someone that’s naturally curious like me that’s a dream come true.

